“You can’t say anything anymore” – Fans react to Matt Fitzpatrick retracting his ‘very poor atmosphere’ comment at the 2023 US Open

“You can’t say anything anymore” – Fans react to Matt Fitzpatrick retracting his ‘very poor atmosphere’ comment at the 2023 US Open

The defending US Open champion, Matt Fitzpatrick, retracted through Twitter some of his statements regarding the “very poor atmosphere”prevailing in the first three rounds of the ongoing tournament.

His statements were published in a Golf Digest article and, in addition, posted on Twitter with the text: “US Open 2023: Matt Fitzpatrick criticizes LACC and USGA for ‘very poor’ atmosphere.”

Minutes later, Matt Fitzpatrick responded by quoting the tweet with the text, “To clarify not criticising USGA…”

Fitzpatrick’s retraction quickly went viral among golf fans. Below are some reactions from Twitter users:

“You can’t say anything anymore”

“The only positive about the lack of real fans, is not hearing ‘get in the hole’ on every tee shot.”

“Please criticize them Matt, snoozer of an atmosphere!”

“Don’t backdown! You were right. This sucked. Feels like a glorified club championship.”

“You were correct. LACC blows and the vibe is like a funeral.”

“Haha don’t hold back Matt. The atmosphere has been extremely poor. This tournament is supposed to be the people’s Open not a private event for the rich.”

“Foi um ‘evento comprado’ como o LIV, francamente. Um grande anúncio para bilionários ingressarem no LACC para que possam se tornar Augusta, mas menos conservadores e mais esnobes. Eu não estou brincando. Não deixar os fãs entrarem é gritar ‘sem riff raff aqui!’ para os super-ricos.”

“Você e o bebê chorão Brooks. Vocês não jogam bem e culpam a configuração. A configuração foi claramente fácil para dois jogadores estabelecerem um recorde do torneio. Não culpe a configuração. Olhe no espelho para o seu jogo ruim.

“Infelizmente, no mundo de hoje falar sua opinião é ‘criticar’. Como você ousa ter seus próprios pensamentos!!!! Muito menos falar em voz alta e na frente das câmeras. O horror.”


“You should be. It’s not fans’ fault we aren’t allowed anywhere near any of your tee shots or half the greens, the USGA made it clear how much they care about ‘atmosphere’ when they planned this buildout.”

What had Matt Fitzpatrick initially said?

Matt Fitzpatrick’s words, initially published by Barstool reporter Dan Rapaport, and reproduced by Golf Digest were as follows:

“Very poor. It’s disappointing on the USGA side. They want a great tournament—from what I’ve heard, a lot of [country club] members bought tickets, and that’s why there’s so many less people. Hopefully, it’s not the same for other US Opens going forward.”

De acordo com relatórios oficiais da Associação de Golfe dos Estados Unidos (USGA), 22.000 ingressos diários para espectadores foram vendidos no US Open (18.000 a menos a cada dia do que no último Campeonato PGA ).

Desse número, apenas 8.000 foram para o público em geral. Os outros 14.000 ingressos foram vendidos em suíte, camarote e outros formatos sofisticados. Ou seja, dois terços dos ingressos foram vendidos a preços proibitivos para a maioria.

O jornalista Dan Rapaport se referiu ao US Open como o ‘Corporate Open’ nas redes sociais.

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